We offer one-on-one online tutorials with a select number of our tutors. All the tutors at the Browne School of Art are experienced in art education and are successful practitioners in their fields. Our online tutorials are aimed at students who would prefer, for any number of reasons, to access advice remotely.
Our tutors are excellent communicators and can offer constructive direction on your work and provide strategies for negotiating working processes and the generation of ideas. Maybe you have questions about subject matter, materials and techniques, or maybe you just need clarification or affirmation on your work. Whatever your level, from beginner to more experienced, our tutors can help you!
How Does It Work?
We are offering our tutorials in 30-minute time-slots. These tutorials can be added to by selecting adjacent times for a longer session, or by booking a number of slots for a more regular weekly update … It’s up to you. Your tutor will talk to you remotely through the ZOOM platform and once we have your confirmed booking, you will receive a link so that you can access the meeting at your selected time. You don’t need to be a computer geek to do this and the process is very straightforward.
You’ll need to be prepared with any questions you may have ready. To view your work, it’s best to have photos of your images ready on your desktop or in an easily accessible folder. On the Zoom platform, it’s simple to share your screen with your tutor so that your work can be easily viewed and discussed.
If all the available time-slots are unsuitable for you, please contact us and we will make an appointment for you.
Alexis Neal graduated from Elam with a BFA and Post Grad. diploma. She gained an MFA at the Slade School of Fine Arts, London where she also worked as a teaching assistant in etching. Alexis has tutored in academic and community institutions working with the wider community.
$75 - 30 mins
Zoë Nash is a diverse visual artist working across a range of creative disciplines. She has an MFA degree from Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design as well as a BA and adult teaching qualifications. Her works explore themes of repetitive process, experience and transformation.
$75 - 30 mins
Kathryn Stevens graduated with a BFA from Elam in 1999 and has been regularly exhibiting in Auckland and Christchurch. She has been selected as a finalist in the Wallace Art Awards, the Waikato Art Award, the Parkin Drawing prize, the BMW Art Award and the Clifton’s Art Award.
$60 - 30 mins