One must paint with the outer eye and inner eye, backward and forward, inside out and upside down, sideways, as a metaphysical aeroplane might go. Eileen Agar.
This workshop will explore the vibrant medium of contemporary watercolour. We will investigate ways to create dynamic compositions through the use of line, colour, texture and form, building rhythm and balance. Learn to harness both the potential for glowing delicacy and the deep expressive power of this fascinating medium.
We will look at artists who have worked with watercolour to great effect and discuss art historical references to highlight concepts and techniques, then experiment with similar painting techniques and approaches. Technical demonstrations and one-to-one feedback and guidance will be given. We will also explore collage techniques as a tool to stimulate visual ideas, allowing the freedom to cut and juxtapose imagery to build compositions.
The workshop is suitable for beginners to watercolour painting and for those who wish to experiment and work further with the medium.
Course Code: SCWFS1224
Tutor: Georgie Hill
When: Sat & Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm
Dates: 18 /19 May 2024
Duration: 2 days
Maximum Enrolment: 10
Level: ALL
Cost: $225