Join Emil McAvoy for a short, online Saturday workshop designed to stimulate your conceptual thinking. The aim of the workshop is to initiate new ideas and prompt further reflection on new pathways. The lessons can be applied to any art practice and are designed for artists at all levels, with a focus on emerging artists.
You will investigate the following:
• How do you prefer to learn? Are you more visual, aural or kinaesthetic?
• Which combinations of these are your preferences?
• Are there ways this can be optimised (playing to your strengths), and also balanced (e.g. if you’re primarily a visual learner, would certain podcasts also open new ways to learn?)
• What does your media diet look like? Where do you go to for information and inspiration?
• What activities represent research for you?
• How could these existing activities be enriched, deepened and extended? • What do your current activities suggest as possibilities?
• What are the key contexts for your practice? (Consider both practices and ideas).
Brainstorm with Emil and allow your thinking to unfold. Identify key areas for conceptual development. These can be general as well as specifically related to an ongoing project or new body of work.
Course requirements:
Desktop computer, laptop or smartphone (with webcam and microphone to use Zoom application)
Internet connection
Zoom account (you can use a free version)
Pen and paper for note-taking
Course Code: SCCT222
Tutor: Emil McAvoy
When: Sat 10.00am - 1.00pm
Date: 21 May 2022
Duration: 3 hours
Maximum Enrolment: 20
Level: ALL
Cost: $60